
Find Hot Leads from LinkedIn without Sales Navigator License


When we start finding leads, we are always after Hot and active Leads who would be ready to buy our product or services. But how do we find them from LinkedIn or matter of fact from anywhere?

Starting up a company can be tough or even not running a company but what if you do not have access to Sales Navigator.

How do you find Hot Active Leads and that too without Sales Navigator access?

Linkwheelie is here to help you. Our Hot Lead Finder finds you ready to buy leads and their verified emails from LinkedIn and/or any job board.  

It finds out the most actively looking out Leads for you without even LinkedIn Sales Navigator usage, even without LinkedIn. In other words, you can say that you can build a lead list from any job board. 

Let’s see how -  

Assume you are a content marketing service seller, and looking for companies who are looking for such services. One of the best ways is to go on Job Board and find those companies. Let’s go to indeed, put up our job filter and hit the search button. Example below : 

Indeed Job filter search Indeed

Let’s hit that we would seek only CXOs in this list of companies who posted these jobs to find out.

Now, You can either use Chrome Extension of Linkwheelie or User Dashboard where you would need to just copy and paste URLs.

First, Let’s explore how easily you can use via Chrome extension.


You can add chrome extension from this page here , once done please sign in using your Linkwheelie login credentials. 

Linkwheelie chrome extension login imageLinkwheelie chrome extension login page

Once signed in, you would be able to see your chrome extension like this. You can see your login email address, Ledger credits balance and option to sign out and all the buttons to use scraping. Hot Leads Finder is the button for you.  

Linkwheelie lead extractor chrome extension

Go to indeed job search, click on Linkwheelie chrome extension and click on Hot Leads Finder. You will see next screen like this below

Linkwheelie chrome extension scraping options page

You can choose any group of Decision makers you want from all these companies you shortlisted in your search, in case you do not want CXO. Choose that button.

You can choose max 5 or 10 Leads from the group, our AI finds out all those leads from that group. There soon will be an option where you would be able to put up custom title as well.

Important part is to make sure to choose country of your leads you are looking for, if you do not put up any country then it will try to find out those leads who are based out of United States. That is our default.

Click on submit.

You will see the option to name your search. It helps in sorting your files for you since final result csv sent to you will also be of same name. If you do not give any name to search, it will use a default file name for search. AND then click on SUBMIT.

Job Search Page -> Hot Leads Finder ->  “Choose your group” -> Country -> Save Search -> Submit

Once the request is submitted, you shall receive a result in a csv and an excel file on your registered email. You shall receive one email with scraped companies information and Lead profiles in csv and another email after sometime with enriched emails.

That file will look like this, with more than 20 datasets. Best part is you would only be charged for Leads scraped, not the companies.

These are the hottest leads posting jobs on job board for the services or product you are selling. Just search them there, use Hot lead finder on Linkwheelie and Boom !


Now, if you do not like to use or add extensions then also we have an option for you. Just login to user dashboard from here or from our website.

Once you login, just go to Toolkit on your left pane. 

Linkwheelie Dashboard

You will see button of Hot Leads Finder. Click on that button. 

Linkwheelie Toolkit

Go to your job search page of job board - Put up your custom search , copy that URL and paste it here in the option provided below. Then give your search a name. Click on submit. 


Linkwheelie Feature submission page

You would find option to choose any group of Decision makers you want from all these companies who posted jobs. You can choose max 5 or 10 Leads from the group, our AI finds out all those leads from that group. There soon will be an option where you would be able to put up custom title as well.

Important part is to make sure to choose country of your leads you are looking for, if you do not put up any country then it will try to find out those leads who are based out of United States. That is our default. 

Linkwheelie Lead selection page

Click on Submit. And

You shall receive a csv with results in your email box in a while. You can use that csv to take to any outreach automation tool you use, your CRM or use it for personalization using ChatGPT.

With Linkwheelie, you can not only scrape people but also scrape from any LinkedIn Group or LinkedIn event to target more specific Leads.

Happy Prospecting, Linkwheelie cannot wait for you to jump in and take your game to next level.

Best, Akesh Soni

Akesh Soni


Akesh Soni

Akesh Soni,  Founder of Linkwheelie,  has been in sales and recruitment business for more than 17 years. He founded SharpHeads in 2015, has been recruiting and selling to SMB, startups and enterprises for long to know the pain while finding out right leads; be it selling or be it recruiting. He wanted to come up with a B2B solution to be used which is simplest to use, safest to use, and yet most efficient. A Man with a Mission
More from Akesh Soni.

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